Laurence Girolami

Maître de conférence

Structure : UFR de Sciences et Techniques
> Département Géosciences environnement
> Laboratoire GéoHydrosystèmes COntinentaux
Courriel :
Localisation : Bulding E - Office E180
Téléphone : +(33) 02 47 36 70 05

Fluidization and sedimentation of particulate suspensions


> Research interest
 Exploring the dam-break flow of sedimenting fluid-solid suspensions (lahars, submarine avalanches).  
©        * Co-workers          

              - Frédéric Risso (DR-CNRS, Physicist at IMFT, Toulouse).

              - François James (PrU Mathematician at IDP, Orléans).

              - Stéphane Bonelli (DR-INRAE, Geomecanist at RECOVER, Aix-en-Provence).

              - Andrea Bondesan (Marie-Curie Fellow, Mathematician at UNIPR, Parma).

              - Loïc Rousseau (PhD Candidate at GéHCO - Master Student at the University of Côte d'Azur).

              - Ahmad Amin (PhD Thesis at GéHCO - Master Degree at LEGI, Grenoble).

              - Romain Morini (Research Engineer at GéHCO - Doctor in Physics, LPMC, Nice).

              - Florian Godet (Research Engineer at GéHCO - Engineer in Physics, Polytech' Marseille).  

        * Projects    
              2024-2026 : Institut Carnot - Scientific Coordinator, PI : P. Philippe and A. Mesgouez (86 k€) 
              - 2024-2026 : Région Sud - Co-Investigator with Arnaud Mesgouez (137 k€) 
              - 2023-2024 : ECCOREV Project - Co-Investigator with Rémi Valois (10 k€) 
              - 2022-2024 : INRAE Project - Co-Investigator with Stéphane Bonelli (20 k€) 
              - 2021-2024 : EMSTU-UT PhD Funding - Principal Investigator, with Mohammed Boussafir (96 k€) 

              - 2020-2022 : Transversal Project from UT - Co-Investigator with Mathilde Graslepois (6 k€)

              - 2019-2022 : Regional Fundamental Project - Co-Investigator with François James (90 k€)

              - 2018-2021 : Ministerial PhD Funding - Principal Investigator, with Florentina Moatar (96 k€)

              - 2017-2020 : Regional Fundamental Project - Principal Investigator (110 k€)

              - 2016 : FEDER-AELB Project - Principal Investigator (105 k€)


> List of publications
  • L. Girolami, S. Bonelli, R. Valois, N. Chaouch, J. Burgat, F. Nicoleau (2024) Relation entre morpho-dynamique fluviale et processus d'érosion interne autour des digues de protection : observation multi-échelle d'une rivière aménagée (Agly, Pyrénées-Orientales), Revue Française de Géotechnique, 178(7),
  • L. Girolami, S. Bonelli, R. Valois, N. Chaouch, J. Burgat (2023) On internal erosion of the pervious foundation of flood protection dikes, Water, 15, 3747,
  • A. Amin, L. Girolami, F. Risso (2022) Fall of a large sphere in a suspension of small fluidized particles, Physical Review Fluids Letters, 7, L082301. 
  • A. Amin, L. Girolami, F. Risso (2021) On the fluidization/sedimentation velocity of a homogeneous suspension in a low-inertia fluid, Powder Technology, 391, 
  • C. Soulaine, L. Girolami, L. Arbaret, S. Roman (2021) Digital Rock Physics: computation of hydrodynamic dispersion, Oil & Gas Science & Technology, 76 (51), 
  • L. Girolami, F. Risso (2020) Physical modeling of the dam-break flow of sedimenting suspensions, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 084306, doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.5.084306
  • L. Girolami, F. Risso (2019) Sedimentation of gas-fluidized particles with random shape and size, Physical Review Fluids, 4, 074301, doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.074301. 

  • L. Girolami, F. Risso (2018) Rheological behaviour and runout of short-lived fast-moving flows of hot, dense suspensions, Journal of Energy Challenges and Mechanics, 5(1), 17-23. 

  • L. Girolami, J. D. Sherwood and F. Charru (2016) Dynamics of a slowly-varying sand bed in a circular pipe, International Journal of Multiphase Flows, 81, 113-129.

  • L. Girolami, T. H. Druitt and O. Roche (2015) Towards a quantitative understanding of pyroclastic flows : Effects of expansion on the dynamics of laboratory fluidized granular flows, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 296, 31-39.

  • G. F. Bertrand, H. Celle-Jeanton, F. Huneau, A. Baillieux, G. Mauri, V. Lavastre, G. Undereiner, L. Girolami and J.S. Moquet (2015) Vulnerability of volcanic aquifers : evaluation of contaminant transfer and hydrodispersive parameters in basaltic lava flows through an artificial tracer test and implications for long-term water supply management, Open Geosciences, doi:10.1515/geo-2015-0037.

  • L. Girolami, A. Wachs and G. Vinay (2013) Unchannelized dam-break flows : effects of the lateral spreading on the flow dynamics, Physics of Fluids, 25, doi:10.1063/1.4799 129.

  • A. Wachs, L. Girolami, G. Vinay and G. Ferrer (2012) GRAINS3D, a flexible DEM approach for particles of arbitrary convex shape : numerical model and validations, Powder Technology, doi :10.1016/j.powtec.2012.03.023.

  • L. Girolami, V. Hergault, G. Vinay and A. Wachs (2012) A Three-dimensional DEM for the simulation of dam-break granular collapses : comparison between numerical results and experiments, Granular Matter, doi:10.1007/s10035-012-0342-3.

  • L. Girolami, O. Roche, T. H. Druitt and T. Corpetti (2010) Particle velocity fields and depositional processes in laboratory ash flows, with implications for the sedimentation of dense pyroclastic flows, Bulletin of Volcanology, doi:10.1007/s00445-010-0356-9.

  • A. Wachs, G. Vinay, G. Ferrer, J. Kouakou, C. Dan and L. Girolami (2009) PeliGRIFF : a parallel Discrete Element Method-Distributed Lagrange Multiplier/ Fictitious Domain for a direct numerical simulation of particulate flows with collisions, International Journal of Mechanical Systems Science and Engineering, 1 (4), 185-191.

  • L. Girolami, T. H. Druitt, O. Roche and Z. Khrabrykh (2008) Transport and hindered settling of laboratory ash flows, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, doi:10.1029/ 2007JB005074.

> Education
  • Since 2022 : Delegation (Geomecanics) at INRAE (UMR Recover, G2DR, Tholonet), with S. Bonelli. 
  • 2014 : Associate Professor (Geophysics) at the University of Tours. 
  • 2012-2014 Postdoc (Fluid Dynamics) at "Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse" (IMFT), with F. Charru & J.D. Sherwood at DAMTP (Cambridge, UK). 

  • 2011-2012 : JSPS Fellow (Volcanology) at "Geological Survey of Japan" (CSJ, Tsukuba, Japan), with S. Takarada and at "Center for Geohazards Studies" (CGS, Buffalo, USA), with E.S. Calder.

  • 2010-2011 : Assistant Professor (Geosciences) at "Géosciences et Environnement" (GEC, Cergy).

  • 2009-2010 : Postdoc (Solid Mechanics) at "Institut Français du Pétrole" (IFP, Paris), with A. Wachs.

  • 2008 : Sciences writter at General Council of Puy de Dôme (Clermont), speciality : volcanology. 
  • 2004-2008 : PhD (Volcanology) at "Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans" (LMV, Clermont), with T.H. Druitt.

  • 2003-2004 : Master (Geophysics) at "Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris" (IPGP), with C. Jaupart.

 > Collective achievements
  • Scientific Commitee Member of the 1st International Symposium on Mechanics (Aberdeen, UK, 2018)

  • Reviewer : Nature Geosciences, Nature Review of Earth Sciences & Environment, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physics of Fluids, Fluids, Applied Mathematical Modelling, International Journal of Multiphase Flows, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Energies, Journal of Mountain Science, Applied Sciences. 
  • Workshops at ''Fête de la Sciences'' : Rheology of non-Newtonian fluids, Granular matter, Micro-Rivers.
 > Teaching activities (200h/year)
  • The Physics of Earth Interior

  • Physical Volcanology 
  • Natural Hazards (Short-lived gravity-driven flows)
Université de Tours Faculté de sciences et techniques

